Quick Replies

Introducing our Quick Replies feature, a time-saving tool designed to enhance communication with customers while updating the repair log from the workshop. With Quick Replies, you can easily access pre-defined responses to swiftly respond to customer inquiries or provide updates, streamlining your communication process. Let's explore the key functionalities of our Quick Replies feature:

Quick/Canned responses for Efficiency: Quick Replies enable you to create and save pre-defined responses for common customer inquiries or update notifications. These canned responses act as ready-to-use templates, allowing you to respond to customers with just a few clicks, significantly reducing response time and ensuring consistency in your communication.

Quick replies use to respond to customers while updating the repair log from the workshop.


Create a new quick reply

  • Enter a name in one line title for reply

  • Enter the body the content for the reply

Edit/Update quick reply information.

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