Help queries management
Customers can submit query ticket
Agents can create query tickets for customer
Agents can create query tickets for customer
Multiple files can be attached while creating a query
All queries can be filtered by multiple things
Customers will be notified at every step of update by agents
Query tickets can be locked on closed
Query tickets can refer to creating business invoices
Business invoices
All invoices can be created under a specific prebuild business profile for certain scenarios
The customer will be notified about creating an invoice
Invoice can be printed
Invoice can be exported as PDF file
Invoice can be edited/deleted at anytime
Invoice can be tracked by QR code by customer (required to be login first)
All attachments can be downloaded by the customer/admin/agent at the time
Business invoices types (prebuild formats)
Standard Invoice
Timesheet invoice
Expense Invoice
In-term invoice
Final invoice
Business payments
All payments can be created under a specific prebuild business profile for certain scenarios
Agent/admin can create payment requests for collecting payment by multiple payment gateways
Customers will be notified as well.
Agent/admin can send reminders for pipeline payments to the customer
Agent/admin can send updated payment status manually as well
Agent/admin can send updated payment status manually as well
It can be referred by a business invoice
Available payment gateways
Stripe card payment gateway
Square pay card payment gateway
Braintree card payment (supported PayPal as well via Braintree)
Business invoice types management
Query business profiles management
Query departments management
Query statuses management
Query priorities management
Query tags management
Query canned replies management
Users management
User roles management
App Settings
General: Configure general site settings
Outgoing mail: Configure outgoing email service preferences
Log (save in system log)
Support mailgun
Support SMTP
Support sendmail (PHP function)
Payment gateways: Configure gateways API keys for payment
Currency: Configure site currency symbology
SMS Configuration: Configure SMS notification services
Nexmo gateway
Twilio gateway
Tax: Configure tax rate, type, and implementation
Is fix or a percentage
Is tax included or excluded
Appearance: Configure the site icon and background
Authentication: Configure registration and related things
Google ReCaptcha (version 3): Configure captcha settings & preferences
Localization: Configure localization settings for the site
Database backup and restore
Translation manager for locales
Lightweight and fully optimized application.
Form CSRF Protection
Overall detailed dashboard
SPA (Single page application)
SMS notifications to every step
Email notifications to every step
From customer area
Customers can create new help query
All submitted help queries can be viewed and processed
All business invoices issued can be viewed and printed/exported as PDF
All business payments requested can be viewed, processed, and printed/exported as PDF
From Admin/Agent area
All back-end management
Are you looking for a customized version?
We can provide you with a customized version with your desired features and functions. please feel free to contact us at info.codehas@gmail.com
Last updated
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