
If you have a customized version, please don't update your customized features will be lost,

The custom version will not comply with the standard version due to major and high-impact changes, whenever you will update it with the standard version your files will be replaced, and the database as well which could be because of getting an error due to not complying,

and your custom features will be lost.

Are you looking for a customized version or a Pro version?

We have a professional version available, and we can create a private customized version with your desired features and functions to provide you. please feel free to contact us at info.codehas@gmail.com

Download the new version and extract it to document the root path end-run URL : http://yourdomain.com/install.php

The installer will detect the previous installation, it will bypass installation steps, and redirect to the back or home page after the update process is complete.

Don't forget to clear the browser cache, history, and resources of the old version to reflect changes,

Last updated