System Requirements

Make sure you have PHP >= 8.1 on your server.

Repair is a web-based application that needs the following specific things for installation.

  1. PHP >= 8.1

  2. MYSQL => 5.7 or MariaDB => 10.2.7 or appache server

  3. BCMath PHP Extension

  4. Ctype PHP Extension

  5. Fileinfo PHP extension

  6. JSON PHP Extension

  7. Mbstring PHP Extension

  8. OpenSSL PHP Extension

  9. PDO PHP Extension

  10. Tokenizer PHP Extension

  11. XML PHP Extension

  12. ZIP PHP Extension

  13. 1GD PHP Extension

  14. ICONV PHP Extension

  15. SIMPLEXML PHP Extension

  16. XMLREADER PHP Extension

  17. ZLIB PHP Extension

Are you looking for a customized version or a Pro version?

We have a professional version available, and we can create a private customized version with your desired features and functions to provide you. please feel free to contact us at

Last updated